Our Designs

The idea to formally launch Zero Waste Weddings came from a particularly insightful group of fashion students and crew from The Brides’ Project. We shared a common goal: to reduce the huge amount of waste being generated on the garment side of the wedding industry without compromising on quality.

Each piece we create has been carefully planned and created to maximize the use of fabrics, to incorporate modern design elements, and to provide dresses and veils that are completely unique for the discerning bride.

The design process is lengthy, and far more labour intensive than building a dress or veil from purchased fabrics.

Used fabrics must first be extricated (often involving hours of dismantling gowns/fabrics), cleaning (all fabrics are cleaned to spotless perfection), pressing, cutting, and then putting into a pattern shape.

Designs keep in mind the use of limited fabrics… sometimes we only have a metre or less to spin some magic and create something new. In other cases, we have damaged or cut fabrics that we have to work around.

Putting together the final design requires intense attention to detail. We need to ensure that the design moves well, functions well, and flatters the bride who wears it.

At the end, we have a masterpiece.